Nutrition is the first step in changing how you look. No matter what your goals is, gaining muscle or losing fat, training for sports or just being fit and healthy, nutrition is the king. Without proper nutrition you will make no significant progress.
Good nutrition is not eating a ton of vegetables everyday. We are not farm animals. Good nutrition is eating what your body needs to function properly, at the right times.
Proper nutrition plan includes a balance between carbs, proteins, good healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, and dairy.
A complete one hour individual nutrition assessment which includes getting to know your current diet, your lifestyle, your dietary needs and to develop a nutrition plan that works for your individual needs and helps you achieve your health goals.
A half hour Follow up appointment is recommended to discuss your progress.
Price: $150
Suitable for two people with similar nutritional concerns that want to be
accommodated during the same appointment time.
Price: $175
A cost effective session for families and groups with similar nutritional concerns that want to be accommodated during the same appointment time.
Price: $150 + $25 each additional person
To Register please contact Zone Fitness for a quote
Are you struggling with weight loss? A comprehensive Diet and Exercise package helps you with all of your fitness needs. During the sessions, the client will become aware of eating patterns and identify nutrition problems, learn how to balance meals with when and what to eat, learn to read nutrition labels, and learn how to plan meals for your particular lifestyle. Also, an exercise plan is created to help you achieve your weight loss goals.
During follow ups, nutrition goals will be revised and new goals to be
established, as well as continuing to be motivated to stay on track with
reaching your goals and exercise plan adjustments.
Price: $250 initial assessment and plan, $50 follow up sessions
Healthy meals start with what you buy. Do you know how to read product labels? Do you know what to look for and avoid in the ingredients list?
With this package, you will receive a nutrition tour in the grocery store of your choice,
tips on how to read product labels and what to look for in the ingredients list
and what to avoid when buying food.
With the Zone Fitness grocery store tour package, you can be confident that you
will buy the right food every time for your family.
Price: $150
Training hard to meet your athletic goals? Did you know that working out is not the only key factor in succeeding? A healthy, clean diet is a necessary aspect in obtaining your athletic goals.
With the Zone Fitness Nutrition for Sports package, you will get a complete nutritional package custom tailored to your specific sport and goals to help you achieve the maximum performance.
Price: $200
Ready to sign up? Packages are the easiest ways to save money!